Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Idaho! No, no, YOU da hoe. But no actually we are moving to Idaho. WTF, right?

Well, we aren't quite there yet. 80 days until we are truly Westward Ho. However, the planning starts now.

Just kidding, the cleaning starts now. The planning actually started about a year ago when we visited the city we are soon to call home.

When Sam and I got together in May of 2015, one thing we agreed upon almost immediately was that we both eventually wanted to move. I had JUST moved back east from the magic land of Seattle (See: almost any of the last 10 blog posts), and he had kind of haphazardly ended up in Connecticut with luck and support from his brothers and extended family. But, we dreamed of living in a place that we both chose, somewhere that felt like home the second we open our car door.

We made a list. Checked it a bunch, Things like low crime, affordability, motherfucking straight ass NATURE (NAYCHAAAAAAH) everywhere but also city amenities like grocery stores open reasonable hours (you 12 hour shift nurses know what I'm talking about) and adorable, accessible thriving local businesses (no shame in my craft beer and local ice cream game). Oh, also, not too hot and not too cold, not too many terrible seasonal allergies, not too many natural disasters. Then decided to got to a place on that list. 1st stop, BOISE, ID! So, Boise. We went. We fell in love with it, and now we are about start there.

Craters of The Moon in Central Southern Idaho

Holy eff. Grinkers. This is my number one foolish reason to move. What an incredible Arcade!!!!

You know. Just out for a random drive.

Sometimes we drink cider flights. He takes all the dry and sweets. I take the mellow, hoppy ones. That's love.

To be fair, there were a lot of other contenders that didn't quite make the cut, mostly because of me poo-pooing for one reason or another. For instance, Seattle; Just TOO. Too obvious. too expensive. too much. It is no longer exactly like the city I fell in love with anymore, and right now it's better left to my romanticized, infatuated memories and delightful vacation visits to Miss Mo and Co. And there was also Boulder, CO; where my brother and sister lived for awhile. However, this was also a little "too" for us for various reasons. There are also a lot of other contenders that still need to be explored. Who knows where we will end up?

Ultimately after years of talking, we wanted to find a place that met our immediate needs of space, nature, convenience and adventure that met our bank accounts halfway. Affordable wander lust might just be our ultimate goal, and who knows where we will ultimately end up.

But Boise, here we come! Westward Ho!