Monday, February 4, 2013

She lives!

Just not in the digital world. Well... barely.

With my computer broken and my Kindle Fire and its absolute mockery of a web browser, it has been nearly impossible to keep up with blogging. Instead, I've been keeping a real paper journal, longhand style.

So, why don't I break out that delightful notebook and share some of my profound experiences with you!? Yes! Making the "Obligatory catch up" blog somewhat more intriguing! No? Maybe? I think your head says no, and probably your eyes and maybe your heart, but what you actually mean is "yes." OK then, if you insist!

On November 17th, I wrote, "Today I drank delicious beer. I don't know what it was called.There are a lot of beers out here."

On November 29th, "The Hopper commercials make me a little homesick for New England. As do the Dunkin commercials and the SNHU commercials.WTF is up with Dunkin's adds out here? I want some god damn Munchkins. Who can I call to complain?"

December either the 12th or the 16th holds this little gem: I apparently wanted to remind myself that "it rains in Seattle a considerable amount" and that "people drive like the rain is some sort of voodoo magic falling from the sky that has never before been seen by the likes of men."

Sometime in the first weeks of January, I wrote about my future as a professional Jenga player. The dates are illegible. It would also appear that I was bleeding from something during that particularly profound thought, as dried droplets of blood are on the bottom of the page. Apparently, dreams of professional Jenga playing trump a-cut-that-is-so-severe-it-is-dripping in the realm of writing.

What a successful 3 months of journaling. -_-

From memory, then, here's a breakdown of all of the things I would have blogged about had I actually been able to, and possibly the things I would have written about if I was a more coherent, non sarcastic individual.

1. I still live in Seattle. Winter is mild and people complain about the rain. They need to grow up and put on some golashes, because this place is the shit.

2, The rest of my Ireland vacation was ridiculous. Not in that it is worthy of ridicule, but in that it was hard to believe that it could be so awesome. A seperate Ireland post will arrive shortly after the reception of my hard drive from NH.

3. VIP tickets to see the Killers was one of the best decisions of late 2012.

4. I went home for a short Christmas break and it was absolutely lovely. With that said, I signed another contract to stay in Seattle until the begining of May. That will make this the longest stretch I have ever been away from home, and the longest stretch that I have gone without seeing any of my people.

I'm sure I've forgotten things of importance and things of great humorousness, but I will have to live with my remarkable journaling as the only record of those last two months of 2012.

Luckily, I remember lots from January!

Happy 2013! I brought in the new year at a masquerade, something I've always wanted to do. The fireworks from the Space Needle were pretty impressive! I have taught myself many new things so far this year, including the "cups" song and game, how to sing a song in French, how to start fires without matches. I started working out regularly, and I've lost about 15 pounds. I've also read 4 books. I took a mini road trip across the Cascades to Spokane. Let's see, anything I missed? Oh! Well I had a window smashed in my car for the first time. I think that about covers the excitement happening thus far. Perhaps I should just prepare myself for the impending dissapointment, because January was the most productive month possibly I've ever had. But who knows? 2013 is lookin mighty promising, with a free trip to Mexico avec my favorite sister and all sorts of weekend trips planned for the upcoming spring months. Perhaps January is just a warm up.

Stay tuned, my friends. And watch for the back dated blogs from my cross country trip and my other 9 days in Ireland!

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